Welcome to ROKH – New Employee Orientation Videos Enclosed

Welcome to ROKH - New Employee Orientation Videos Enclosed
Welcome to ROKH - New Employee Orientation Videos Enclosed

Welcome to ROKH – New Employee Orientation Videos Enclosed

Hello new ROKH employee,

As you wait for landing procedures on Mars, please watch the following short training videos that will help you acclimate to the harsh Martian environment. When debarking your pod, please make sure that your helmet is securely fastened as failure to do so will result in immediate and irreversible DEATH.

1. Basic Instructions

Here is your introduction to the basic needs you’ll need to fulfill upon arrival. Be sure to pay full and close attention to this video, failure to do so can quickly lead to injury, and or irreversible death. We cannot afford to send rescue teams for our Martian crews, so do your best to follow all the instructions included in this video.

2. Construction 

Once you have managed the basics of Martian survival, it’s time to get started on what we’re paying to you do – enhance and expand the human colonies on the Red Planet via resource collection and construction.

3. Crafting

Becoming a successful ROKH colonist depends upon you having and using the best tools, which you can craft by hand. The ROKH crafting system is based on modularity – devices, tools and weapons can be built by you, and tailored to your needs and uses. ROKH’s special wall tile construction system allows you and your fellow colonists to socket tools and gear into the walls themselves, allowing you to automate tasks, provide defensive systems, increase survivability, provide creature comforts and much more. If you plan to make the most of your time on Mars, be sure to watch our training video all the way through.

Thank you for agreeing to help us develop a future home for humanity on Mars. We hope these instructional videos will prove useful in your endeavors, and we look forward to the results of your, and other colonists’, hard work.

Lastly, we’d like to remind you that there are no rescue ships. Should you fail to pay attention to the items introduced in these instructional videos, and suffer any ill effects due to this, the ROKH Corporation will not make any efforts to rescue you. As you were warned when you signed up for the Mars Colonization Program, this is all on your shoulders.

Walk safely, breathe deeply, and good luck.

Emily Norris III
Director, Colonization Program Development


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