Yerr Out Available on Steam Early Access


Yerr Out Available on Steam Early Access

Independent development studio Green Valley Games are announcing that their game Yerr Out is available now in Early Access on Steamfor free. Inspired by the game of baseball, Yerr Out is a barnstormin’ good time out on the ballfield. To build your team, choose from 30 different animals. Each character has unique qualities that are categorised by strength, speed, agility, and technique control.  The full version is planned to include online play, more playing fields, more playable characters, an improved UI, transition segues, and different play modes such as home run derby and fielding practice mini-games.
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Features30 characters to assemble your team with.Lots of opportunities for aggressive baserunning and slick fielding. Intense pitcher vs batter matchups.Easy to learn responsive controls.3+ fields to play at.12+ unlockable play + stats, leaderboards and spectator mode.Home run derby, practice mode and minigame mode.

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