PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

Daisy Games has released SokoChess, a new indie puzzle game.

The minimalist puzzle game blends chess and Sokoban gameplay, in which you must use your chess pieces to push your opponent’s pieces back to their destination. However, doing so may expose you to capture by the opposing chess pieces.

While battling the chess pieces, you’ll also have to deal with broken tiles that break when a chess piece moves over them, locks that block the path unless you acquire a key, and a slew of other obstacles.

PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

This is one of those quick analyses, but that doesn’t mean the game is awful; it just means it’s a basic, straightforward, and effective suggestion.

Daisy Games, based in Czechia, has released SokoChess, a new puzzle game. A simple game that blends chess reasoning with Sokoban gameplay, as the name suggests.

In each stage, we must utilise our white chess pieces to force our opponent’s black artificial intelligence pieces to the predetermined spot. What appears simple at first becomes increasingly challenging as the game progresses through its 70 levels.

PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

As is customary, we begin by learning the moves we can make with our pieces and how they can move on the reduced board that is presented to us (it will never be a real chess board, only the movement and the pieces are the same); then we learn how our rook can push the opponent’s pawns and how our rook can be eaten by the opponent’s pawns. And, much like in chess, sometimes the best approach to achieve we aim to compel the opponent to move so we can make our move, allowing us to sacrifice numerous pieces to achieve the desired result.

PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

Even those who do not understand all of the laws of chess but can learn a thing or two about its motions and logic will find the game uncomplicated. There are 70 stages with various ideas; there are even instances when our movement causes the spaces on the board to collapse and disappear or impediments that can only be removed if we discover a key. It is not a common suggestion, as you can “read,” but it is enjoyable, challenging, and full of surprises along the road.

PREVIEW : SokoChess (PC)

And attention is not “castrating” in the sense that we can skip a level if we believe we are unable to solve the problems provided or simply do not find it amusing at a certain level. Furthermore, each level has an endless number of undos, allowing us to go back to where our approach failed.

SokoChess is one of those enjoyable, easy, and effective games with a unique perspective and gameplay.

REVIEW : Tep The Destroyer (PC)


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