REVIEW : Beat Blitz (PC)

REVIEW : Beat Blitz (PC)

I typically have a lot of fun playing rhythm platformers. Beat Blitz adds its own unique twist by making it a one-button game and including some challenging mental puzzles. Although brief, the visit is pleasant while it lasts.

Perfectionism requires knowing when to jump and when to hold back.

Playing as a circular avatar that rolls over 2D abstract levels are how Beat Blitz works. All you need to know is how to jump with a single button press. Each song places a different set of traps in your path, and depending on how the level is designed, it will either force you to leap too frequently or not enough.

REVIEW : Beat Blitz (PC)

Steps up and down are simple, as a spike. However, when you combine them with bouncers, slides, and gravity switches—which are more important—it can frequently take you off guard. Because levels are divided into quarters, if you make a mistake you must start again at the 25% markings. The only way to earn an S+ rank is to complete a clean run, but you should also attempt to earn every star along the way. Each star not only solidifies that S+ rank but also contributes to the song’s main theme. To watch and hear your song develop as you advance is wonderful audiovisual feedback.

REVIEW : Beat Blitz (PC)

You may enjoy the wonderful retro neon graphics while you bounce and ping-pong your way through the song.

REVIEW : Beat Blitz (PC)

Beat Blitz’s smart-level design is where it shines. On the harder songs, when every element is firing, it feels like you’re playing rhythmic pinball. Timing and memory are required to know when to jump and when not to. The drawback is that, with 12 handcrafted levels, you’ll be done in 25 minutes if, like me, you beat each song the first time. The challenge is to S+ rate the songs, which will take considerably longer, but I’ll have to do that in short chunks to prevent getting tired.

REVIEW : Beat Blitz (PC)

I did like how Beat Blitz confuses you with graphical flaws and colour schemes, though. Every 25 percentile mark modifies the graphical look, and each avatar you select modifies the layout of the level around you. That startling graphical switcheroo can occasionally stop you in your tracks. Beat Blitz excels at what it does. Simple but effective rhythm platforming. Even if I would have liked to have had access to a couple more songs from its nasty chiptune/synthwave mashup soundtrack, the game is inexpensive and reasonably priced.

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