BAFTA Award-Winning Studio Ustwo Games Announces Alba: A Wildlife Adventure


Latest title from BAFTA award-winning studio is coming this winter to iOS, MacOS, tvOS, PC and console

ustwo games has announced its next game, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure! Revealed last night during the Summer Games Fest Day of the Devs showcase, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure explores how we can make a difference, together. The game is coming this winter to iOS, MacOS, tvOS, PC, and console.

Alba: AWA is developed by a core team of 25 developers, but is also a deeply personal story. The game is inspired by the team’s love of nature and their own fond memories of childhood summers in the Mediterranean. 

Born out of a design studio in London, ustwo games is an award-winning team of developers who make games with meaning and pride. Known for the BAFTA-winning Monument Valley (2014), their latest title, the BAFTA-nominated Assemble with Care, was released in 2019.

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