Develop:Brighton Speaker Submissions Now Open


Develop:Brighton Speaker Submissions Now Open

Tandem Events today announced speaker submissions for Develop:Brighton, Europe’s leading game developer conference and expo, are now open until Wednesday 2 June.

Following a digital event in 2020, Develop:Brighton will return for its 16th year in a physical format at the Hilton Brighton Metropole from Tuesday 26 to Thursday 28 October 2021.

“We’re really looking forward to finally welcoming the community back to Brighton,” said Tandem Events managing director Andy Lane. “Last year was difficult for us all yet despite this our industry managed to remain successful. Develop:Brighton will be one of the first opportunities for the industry to once again meet and network face to face, share experiences and ideas, and celebrate its successes in a safe environment.”

“We know many people will be excited for the return to a physical format and we’re looking forward to offering our community all it has come to know and love from the event including the conference, expo, the Ice Breaker drinks, Meet@Develop and the Develop:Star Awards. However, we recognise that some may not be quite ready to attend an event in October and therefore we’ve taken the decision for the first time to livestream all Develop:Brighton 2021 sessions as part of a digital conference pass.”

“We remain committed to being as inclusive as possible, covering diverse topics and experiences important to the video game industry. We want to host unique and thought-provoking talks, presented by insightful developers from across the industry so if you have an idea for a talk, whether you are from the biggest studio or a micro indie, we welcome your submissions. My advice is to make it clear who your target audience is and what they’ll get out of your talk. Good luck!”

Proposals can be submitted at:, where applicants can also find more information about the session tracks, tips on what makes a good submission and potential ideas for talks.

Now in its 16th year, Develop:Brighton promises the same inspiring and fun-filled three days by the sea. The game dev community will enjoy insightful keynotes given by the best in the business, diverse roundtables and sessions offering practical advice and inspiration to help game makers make better games. The conference offers eight tracks – Design, Coding, Art, Mobile, Business, Discoverability, Indie and Audio.

Develop:Brighton will also see the return of much anticipated networking opportunities, from the formal meeting planner – Meet@Develop – to the many afterhours social events including the Develop:Star Awards on the Wednesday evening.

In Sound Mind


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