Games Can Be Good for the Mind with Both Cognitive and Psychological Benefits: Skillprint Report


500 players assessed for personality traits and gaming habits in new study that offers guidance on how Players, Game Developers, and Health Professionals can utilize the key findings

Skillprint, a pioneer in adaptive, personalized games that match the personality, cognitive skills, and mindset of players, today published the results of an extensive research study of over 500 players across 28 mobile games to understand why people play games and how gaming can benefit psychological well-being. Their study, called “Games Can Be Good For the Mind: An Empirical Report by Skillprint,” reveals that certain mobile games can have a positive impact on mood and various aspects of mental wellbeing, and the report provides actionable insights for gamers, developers, educators, and health professionals based on these findings.

Study participants were assessed across personality traits such as Conscientiousness, Openness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Emotionality. Gaming habits, including frequency, preferred genres, and motivations, were also documented. Skillprint found that mobile games have a positive impact on mental well-being, with creativity, determination, and focus being the most positively affected aspects. Personality traits significantly influence these effects, suggesting game developers should personalize games to appeal to a wider audience. Different game genres and mechanics cater to various motivations and offer diverse benefits; for instance, puzzle games boost creativity, while timed games enhance focus.

Other key findings from the study include:

  • Game Developers should consider why players choose their games: are they seeking challenge, relaxation, or community? Test whether you are building games that resonate most with people similar to you and try to incorporate elements that appeal to the broad spectrum of personality traits. Personalization is an essential path to broadening a game’s appeal, and one that AI is making easy to implement via real-time adaptation of game dynamics.
  • Health Professionals should explore the potential of using mobile games as supplemental treatment for general mental well-being, mood disorders, and attention issues, as published research has found benefits in multiple populations.
  • Players should be mindful of what emotional impact they aim to achieve through gaming, as well as their personality and choose genres accordingly. For example, people gravitate towards games that emphasize their current traits: extraverts prefer social and competitive games; people who are more open to new experiences enjoy exploratory adventure games and RPGs.

“As gaming has become an integral part of our lives, our research reaffirms that games are more than just an escape; they’re a valuable tool for nurturing the mind and uplifting the spirit. Our report underscores the cognitive and psychological benefits of gaming, emphasizing the influence of personality and motivations. Skillprint is committed to personalized gaming for broader well-being. We’ve also launched the beta of our AdaptivePlay AI platform, providing game developers with real-time and automated ways to enhance the player’s experience. We’re dedicated to empowering players and developers and invite all stakeholders to join us in shaping the future of gaming for the better,” said Chethan Ramachandran, CEO of Skillprint.

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