PREVIEW : Diplomacy is Not an Option (PC)

PREVIEW : Diplomacy is Not an Option (PC)

“Diplomacy is Not an Option”, developed by Door 407 and released on Steam in early access in February 2022, is a real-time strategy game that thrusts players into the role of a feudal lord whose castle is under constant siege. The game’s title aptly reflects its gameplay mechanics, where negotiation is off the table, and survival depends on the player’s ability to defend and strategize against overwhelming odds.

PREVIEW : Diplomacy is Not an Option (PC)

The game’s premise is straightforward yet challenging: as a lord, you must protect your castle and subjects from relentless waves of enemy forces. The game shines in its ability to simulate large-scale battles, where thousands of units can be seen clashing on the battlefield, providing a sense of scale and intensity rarely seen in other titles within the genre.

PREVIEW : Diplomacy is Not an Option (PC)

One of the game’s most notable features is its building and resource management system. Players must balance the expansion of their town with the need for defense. Constructing homes for settlers, ensuring a steady food supply through farming and fishing, and generating resources like iron and lumber are crucial for sustaining your stronghold and upgrading your capabilities.

The game offers a variety of buildings and troop types, along with a research tree that expands as the game progresses. The strategic placement of defensive towers, gates, and walls is vital as the enemy waves grow in size and strength. The inclusion of a hospital to prevent plagues and gravediggers to handle the fallen adds a layer of depth to the management aspect of the game.

PREVIEW : Diplomacy is Not an Option (PC)

Combat in “Diplomacy is Not an Option” is both a visual and tactical feast. The physics engine adds an entertaining dimension to battles, with the environment playing a significant role in the outcome. The game’s difficulty scales well, providing a challenge to both newcomers and seasoned strategy enthusiasts.

The developers have been actively involving the community in the game’s development process, taking feedback and making adjustments to ensure a polished final product. The game is set to exit early access in 2024, with promises of additional content, including a story campaign and more modes to enhance replayability.

In conclusion, “Diplomacy is Not an Option” stands out as a compelling entry in the strategy genre. Its focus on large-scale battles, combined with robust building and resource management, offers a unique and engaging experience. The game’s development journey, with its community-driven approach, is a testament to the dedication of Door 407 in delivering a game that is both fun and challenging. As it stands, the game is a must-try for fans of the genre and a promising title to watch as it approaches its full release.

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