REVIEW : Demon Gaze (PS VITA)


Demon Gaze is a dungeon crawler Game developed by Kadokawa Games and Experience Inc and published by NIS America. Most dungeon crawler get to repetitive and boring after a while. Fortunately,  Demon Gaze has a interesting story and a addictive gameplay . The plot might be simple, with you playing as an amnesiac character who is forced to do odd jobs to pay their rent. The game takes place thousands of years after the events in Students of The Round. 


The secondary characters are great, socializing with them gives deeper meaning to the story . The main task of the story is to capture all 10 demons, which you and only you can capture being the Demon Gazer.  A demon gazer is a person with the ability to capture demons by gazing at them, as they have a unique eye which can quench a demons rage.

The combat is addicting and fast paced and dungeons are just the right size to explore. Navigation is abit clumsy and it feels like taking one step at a time rather then a brisk walk. Navigation and battles both are in first person mode. Due to this there is very less animation during battles.

You can have up to five characters in your party, but more characters in your party means more rent to be paid which can get hard some times. There are six classes, so your party can consist of variety of classes, but four fighters and one healer is the way to go as single healer only can cast team heal rapidly. Along with your team of five, you can have multiple demons, each with unique effects.

Picking your character race predetermines your beginning stats and which ones will be focused on when you level up. Race has no affect on how your character looks like, so you can choose any race with any look.

You will face 10+ foes in dungeons, so be well equipped before entering them. There are portals you must activate with special gems that will summon monsters, but they’ll additionally provide items and equipment once you’ve defeated them. You can also save and load your data here, and swap out your demons,  so activate all of them as you see them.

Characters look great and shine on the vita screen and are true to Japanese anime style. Though sometimes there are scenes which give adult vibe and you wish to play these scenes alone and pass through them as quickly as possible.

Once you have captured ruling demon of a dungeon, you can traverse obstacles with no harm. Enemy bosses are well designed, inspiring over the top weapons such as massive chainsaws, giant flying sword-like objects and intricate outfits and hairstyles this prevents the fight sequences from being repetitive and makes them entertaining.

The music is pleasant and mood-fitting. The intro theme in particular is a joy to listen to, and the boss theme is a splendid mix of rock and orchestra. This makes the game entertaining for long hours. There is not much voice acting as the game is generally text heavy adventure. There is full voice acting for certain events, and it’s all spot-on.

Demon Gaze is a long adventure with amazing story but there is not much once you have completed it. You can level up your characters and unlock the greatest equipment, but there won’t be much more story-related content for you to discover, and the story won’t deserve a second play-through as you will know what there is to know first time.

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review-demon-gaze-ps-vitaGreat visuals, catchy soundtrack and with lots of things to do and demons to capture makes Demon Gaze a complete RPG package. HGunified recommends Demon Gaze to all RPG fans out there looking for a Japanese Anime styled JRPG


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