REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

GRIP: Combat Racing has cars which can drive over ceilings and walls with deadly weapons just for a chance to be at the podium. The game features no story but the races are so enjoyable that it does not matter.

REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

There are multiple modes that the game offer like Campaign, Single Player, Online and Split screen. Campaign offers a brief tutorial on racing and weapons and then you get to take part in tournaments. There are in total 6 tracks which are reversible, very low track variation for a racing game. On these tracks the cars reach speeds of up to 500KMPH but the handling of cars is tough so you have to be careful around the corners. Even touch and nudges result in car losing controls but there is a quick reset button to get you back on the track. You can even control your car in the air if you leave the accelerator button.

REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

Powerups even though present are hardly innovative, with missile launchers and speed boosts making most of it. These do come in handy playing the Ultimate race in Single Player which awards for kills while Speed Demon race mode offer totally weapon less racing. Arena based mode acts like deathmatch and is totally destruction derby.

REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

The most innovative mode though is the carkour, in which you have to pick up all the collectibles while parkouring through the course in your car.

Online connectivity is decent and vacant player spaces are filled with bots but setting up a game mode is quite confusing.

REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)
REVIEW : GRIP: Combat Racing ( XBOX One)

Visual and Audio side of things in GRIP is top quality with pulsing soundtrack and vibrant visuals the game will surely keep you entertained.

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review-grip-combat-racing-xbox-oneGames like GRIP: Combat Racing have certainly been nonexistent this generation and GRIP is totally not a bad game, its just rough around the corners. All the short comings can totally be fixed with patches and you have a great game at your hand. You can play the game on XBOX Game Pass which is great since you can try the game and enjoy as the game improves in months to come. Hardcore Gamers Unified recommends GRIP: Combat Racing as it fills the gap in racing genre this generation.


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