REVIEW : Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (PC)

REVIEW : Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (PC)
REVIEW : Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (PC)

REVIEW : Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (PC)

Mutant Year Zero has wacky characters and art style but it is a solid tactics game. Mutant Year Zero has amazing humor and detailed environments to go along with its XCOM style gameplay.

Mutant Year Zero features real time exploration and TBS gameplay. The world map is divided into connected areas which you will traverse to find member of your settlement. Once an area has been cleared it remains safe throughout the journey but during fights you will be traversing an area to look for med kits and other materials.

REVIEW : Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (PC)

Mutant Year Zero stealth is vastly different compared to XCOM. The combat only begins when you enter enemy’s awareness area or just purposefully start it. This adds a layer of strategy to each combat scenario.

Each character can use skills specific to them, like Bormin can minimize enemy damage and Farrow can increase stealth. There are character skills trees which you could progress through.

Tooltips remind you useful information and with stealth you can easily one-shot lower level enemies but you will alert all enemies if you try to one-shot higher-level enemy.

There are lot of different type of enemies present in the game which are introduced through out the game journey. You have to learn how to deal with different types of enemies as each enemy is different and play differently.

Story of Mutant Year Zero is engaging and will keep you hooked till the end. You might not get chance to try out other characters or even use all the skills during a single story playthrough but that adds replay value to the game.

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review-mutant-year-zero-road-to-eden-pcMutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a brilliant game in XCOM style genre. Wit griping story and variety of characters the game has lot to offer. Hardcore Gamers Unified recommends Mutant Year Zero for its variety turn based strategy genre.


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