REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

ToT: Experiment is a sci-fi short story game that takes place on a remote ship floating through space. Our hero is tasked by the ship AI – EVE to perform daily tasks that will help to maintain the ship, even though he has no memories or recollection of his past. If he does, he is rewarded with extra break time, food, or life improvements. If he does not, he will be punished.

REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

Will you discover the truth behind the ship and forces in control?

Where should the line be drawn?

  • The mature storyline is presented in the form of a short story game (2-3h gameplay)
  • Replayability is high (Map setup and key element placed randomised every time you start over)
  • Inspired by movies, this retro sci-fi theme focuses on psychological horror.
  • Space Odyssey, Cube, The Moon, and Slenderman are just a few examples.
  • Graphics of AAA calibre

According to the game’s description, you begin by waking up in a space station with no memories and no living souls around You… Survive and discover your style.

REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

I give it high marks for aesthetics, clean graphics with good lighting, and superb minimalistic sound/voice acting/music, all of which give heavy 2001: Space Odyssey vibes and build up a great atmosphere from the start.

The tests, hidden messages, and figuring out how to solve/escape situations should not be described here; it is up to You to figure it out. In general, AI messes with your orientation and logical thinking skills.

REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

You must manage not only time but also food/energy bars and equipped tools at all times. Sometimes quick decisions are required. The AI reasonably scratches a player’s brain.

If you avoid watching full playthroughs, the game provides a few hours of entertainment to complete; the tests are constant, but the variables change each time You start a test; the same is true for an escape route; the method is the same, but the placement and variables are randomised with each playthrough. I had fun redoing the game during playtests just to fill the atmosphere again, so I’d say the game has replayability potential.

REVIEW : Tales of Tomorrow: Experiment (PC)

The game could be much more with more content, but it is a small project that is technically well done and provides a consistent, atmospheric, and enjoyable experience. In my opinion, considering the length for a reasonable price is worthwhile.


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review-tales-of-tomorrow-experiment-pcMy computer's performance was excellent, with no lags, frame drops, or desktop crushes. There are no save slots; the game saves correspond to the actual 'run' and are saved at the most recent day's start.


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