New Super Meat Boy Forever gameplay debuting tonight in 10th anniversary livestream


New Super Meat Boy Forever gameplay debuting tonight in 10th anniversary livestream

Super Meat Boy is 10 years old today! They grow up so fast, don’t they? To commemorate this occasion, Team Meat co-founder and Creative Director Tommy Refenes is hosting a stream showing off a sneak peak of the impending sequel, Super Meat Boy Forever, tonight at 7:30pm PDT on his twitch channel at

“This is the first time Super Meat Boy Forever has been shown off in quite some time,” said Tommy Refenes. “The COVID prevented PAX West from happening where we would normally show stuff, but since the world is sick right now we stayed inside and worked and almost forgot about the 10th anniversary until our social media manager Lillian told us to do something about it. This isn’t a release date announcement but WE ARE CLOSE (as you’ll see on the stream).”

More about Super Meat Boy Forever:
The challenge of Super Meat Boy returns in Super Meat Boy Forever! Levels are brutal, death is inevitable, and players will get that sweet feeling of accomplishment upon beating a level. Players will run, jump, punch and kick their way through familiar settings and totally new worlds.

What’s better than playing through Super Meat Boy Forever once? The answer is simple: Playing through Super Meat Boy Forever several times and having new levels to play each time! Levels are randomly generated and each time the game is completed the option to replay the game appears and generates a whole new experience for players by presenting different levels with their own unique secret locations. We’ve handcrafted literally thousands of levels for players to enjoy and conquer. You can replay Super Meat Boy Forever from start to finish several times before ever seeing a duplicate level. It is truly a remarkable feat of engineering and a monumental example of ignoring the limits of rational game design and production.

They don’t give Oscars to games, but they probably will after Super Meat Boy Forever becomes the best movie of 2020 and 2021! Our story takes Meat Boy and Bandage Girl through several worlds in search of their darling little Nugget with beautifully animated cutscenes and musical accompaniment that makes Citizen Kane look like a reaction video to a sled unboxing. Players will laugh, they will cry, and when all is said and done maybe they’ll emerge from the experience a little better than when they started. Okay, so that last part probably won’t happen.

Super Meat Boy Forever will launch when it’s ready on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. We promise it won’t be another 10 years!

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