MYBYK to expand bike share in the city starting with an initial fleet of 1000 bicycles


MYBYK to expand bike share in the city starting with an initial fleet of 1000 bicycles

Ahmedabad based bicycle rental & sharing company MYBYK is now looking to expand aggressively in the city of Ahmedabad. Smart City Ahmedabad Development Limited (SCADL) has recently invited expression of interest from bicycle operators to operate PBS (Public Bike Share) system in the city.

“It is a perfect partnership where SCADL will invest in providing space and creating parking infrastructure while operators like us will invest in bicycles, technology, and operations. We are not seeking any subsidy from the government and will have full operational freedom which is essential to make PBS a success” says Arjit Soni, founder of MYBYK.

Apart from MYBYK, 3 more operators have shown interest and will be applying for permits.  “The challenge in front of us is market creation and in this context, the more the players the better. In the end, consumers stand to benefit the most as they will have more options to choose from and get services at competitive rates” adds Arjit.

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