REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

In this game, you play as a mediaeval messenger tasked with carrying crucial letters to kings and queens (they usually reside in castles). Your route, however, is not straightforward. You must stay clear of lethal mines that can send you to the moon and back.

You play as a 2D top-down character in Blasting Courier. The WASD keys or the arrow keys can be used to control that character. The main goal is to go to each level’s distinctive castle. You can also mark the mines to make it easier to avoid them. Compete with your friends to see who can be the most effective mediaeval messenger.

REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

Levels are procedurally created and are solely restricted by your computer’s specifications.

Minesweeper-style gameplay with additional abilities. Get it now while it’s free, because it’ll be costing you shortly. It’s a good idea, but they should offer you more to work with. There is just too much RNG involved; the initial few actions are frequently inevitably luck-based, and you often have no choice but to roll the dice and hope for the best, even on larger maps with half of the map open.

Wish there was a level choose option that saved where you were so we didn’t have to start over when we died..

REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

The graphics are considerably ravishing and at one point I forgot what the reality was. There has been some serious work put here in terms of graphics. The game play is not as good. I was bored as there was not much to do .

The sound and music very well suited the situations in the game and music wise the game looks well developed. You can hear continuous whispers throughout which creates a eerie atmosphere. The overall sound system fits the game’s artistic disposition. The game itself is a collection of trivia and unexpected events.

REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

If you’re a hardcore gamer then you know what I mean when I say that your mother would probably love this game as it is a slow going one without much to do with it. I myself for bored but i guess your parents would enjoy this one. It is a simple one and requires casual players . There is nothing to grind in this game as long as you don’t care about the leaderboard. The progresive levels are not much different from the previous ones as well.

REVIEW : Blasting Courier (PC)

If the theme interests you then you can probably get your hands on this one when there is a sale going on because personally I think it’s not worth the full price.There are minor bugs and glitches throughout the game which can get really annoying. The difficulty question is already answered from the fact that it is a casual game and anyone can play it. This game isn’t even entertaining and doesn’t hold my interest. It’s a one time experience and if you want to see the other endings you can replay.

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review-blasting-courier-pcThis isn't to suggest that it's a "poor" game. But it doesn't appear to offer anything that you can't obtain for free pretty much everywhere else. Yes, I realise this game is currently "free," but even at that price, it isn't worth your time, in my opinion.


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